
Rainy season is finally over! We’ve been able to get out to Ulong Channel again, one of the funnest dive sites here where a ripping current tosses you down a channel like a roller coaster ride. The sun has been shining, we’ve been hanging out in our pool, all has been good. Saturday, my only full day off from yoga training, we signed up for a full day of diving, excited to go enjoy the nice weather. Only the morning arrived and we woke up to the sound of pouring rain. Not just a little raincloud over us either. Our

Ouklemedaol = the Palauan word for manta rays. Yesterday we went diving with Day Dream and for our third dive they brought us to a dive site that they found themselves, and only they know the coordinates to: Secret Stadium. The boat captain and two of the Japanese staff hovered around the GPS as we drove through the stormy seas along the outer reef on the east coast. When we reached the proper coordinates, one of the staff jumped in with a snorkel to go find the morning line, unmarked by a buoy so as to keep the sight hidden and secret.

As promised to my followers on Facebook, here is the video clip of the pod of whales that greeted our dive boat the other day! (It only took a collective total of seven hours of attempting to upload). We were headed out from the dive shop Day Dream, towards Peleliu for a day of diving, when our boat suddenly veered sharply to the left and someone yelled "pilot whales!" Within moments, our boat was surrounded by bow-dancers. They would come up, several at a time to jump synchronized out of the water, and then leave the space free for the next

We found an amazing new dive shop and it is called Day Dream! I couldn't find them on TripAdvisor to write them a nice review, so I thought I'd highlight a few reasons why they rocked right here. Maybe someone Google searching the diving in Palau will stumble across this and be inspired to check them out. Or maybe this will give some of you ideas of what to look for in a dive shop. Since we have befriended most of the staff at Sam’s Dive Tours, they have sort of turned into our default shop to dive with. Unfortunately, since