
This is my 100th post everyone! Thanks to all of my readers who have kept me blogging this far. I was going to plan a special post but I'm already so behind that that's not going to happen. Sunday  As cool as Montis Resort was, the breakfast buffet was surprisingly disappointing. So we left halfway through and made our way back to Chiang Mai. We returned the bikes without any fees for scratches (I had tipped mine over in a parking lot after it was stopped and had been dreading how many zeros would be on the fine). Maybe that's just a

Tuesday Eric and Fletch and I all left Koh Tao on the same day, Eric to fly home from Bangkok, and Fletch and I to go explore the rest of Thailand for two weeks before also making our way back to the US for the holidays. Knowing that we were going exploring for two weeks only just barely made our departure more bearable. The fact was that Koh Tao had been a perfect home and I was really going to miss it. The island was small enough to be able to get around anywhere you wanted to go in no time

Khao San Road, Bangkok The number of times the sun has set does not match up with the days on the calendar and the number of nights I've actually slept in a bed are very few considering I left Wednesday and it is now Monday. Needless to say, I have no idea what time or day it is. It is dark out and I am awake. That's all I know. Once off the airplane it was some ridiculous hour in the morning so we went to the nearest tourist counter and asked them to take us to the nearest hotel. I was

10:00 AM MST: Three hours early for our flight. TSA agent asks me if I'm under 12. It used to be 16 so apparently I'm growing younger. I've gotta start taking advantage of kiddie discounts… I'm sitting watching the bags while Fletch looks for currency, and a sweet little old Japanese lady approaches me and asks if I'm going to Japan. I stare at her blankly for a minute before realizing, Yes! Oh my goodness I really am going to Japan! This is happening. So she asks if I will wake her up when our flight boards and I